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Get involved

Enter the world of printmaking, become part of L’Armadillo!

In addition to the benefits for you, your presence allows us to continue our commitment to the increasingly inclusive promotion of the art of engraving, with constancy, new activities and better tools. Here's how:

Annual fee € 15.00

Becoming a member is the simplest step to enter the world of L'Armadillo and allows you to attend courses and participate in organized initiatives.


The card is valid from January to December.

If you are already a member, for the renewal of the card it is sufficient to pay the fee by February.

For new members, in addition to the fee, it is necessary to fill in the membership request form in its entirety ( download ), and send it to together with the payment receipt.


You can pay the fee via Paypal, using your card securely. Click on Paga adesso, a Paypal account is not required.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

You can also pay dues and donations by bank transfer, writing the chosen option in the reason for payment.


IBAN: IT87V0760102800001015649930 of Poste Italiane

BIC / SWIFT: BPPIITRRXXX (for transfers from abroad)

Headed to: Associazione L'Armadillo

Reason: 2023 card renewal / 2023 card / donation


Once the transfer has been made, please send us a copy of the receipt by email at: for faster registration.


It is not necessary to be a member or printmaker to support L'Armadillo, a donation is enough.


By making a donation you support the cultural activities of the Armadillo by contributing to the realization of the initiatives and the purchase of materials and equipment.
Furthermore, by making a donation you can take advantage of the tax benefits that allow you to choose between a 30% deduction or a deduction within 10% of the amount, at the time of the tax return (in Italy).


You can make a donation via Paypal, using your card securely. Click on Donazione, a Paypal account is not required.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

You can choose to allocate your 5x1000 income tax to L'Armadillo in your tax return.


It is not an additional cost for you and does not replace the 8x1000.

At the time of the tax return (in Italy), sign in the box “Support for voluntary work and other non-profit organizations of social activity, social promotion activities and recognized associations and foundations operating in the sectors referred to in art. 10, C.1, letter A, of Legislative Decree, N. 460 of 1997 " writing the tax code:


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L'Armadillo APS

Associazione di Promozione Sociale

Via del Porcellana, 51r - 50123 Firenze

Tel. 055 0461654 - 338 7641648 - 339 7375715


C.F. 94229820488


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