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L'Armadillo Atelier 51r is a graphic arts workshop that organizes printmaking courses and workshops for all levels and art exhibitions with artists from all over the world.
Founded in 2014 by the two masters Manuel Ortega and Gian Carlo Aiosa, L'Armadillo is a social promotion association, located in a historic building in the heart of Florence a few steps from the church of Santa Maria Novella.
During these years L'Armadillo has become a point of reference in the world of graphic arts, crossing national borders, thanks to the passionate commitment of the founders and volunteer members in carrying out this reality for the benefit of all.

The masters Manuel Ortega and Gian Carlo Aiosa, founders of L'Armadillo

It promotes the philosophy of participation and sharing of knowledge , with proposals aimed at a very wide audience, without age limitations or cultural horizon, making art and culture accessible to all, values that are the basis of the association's Statute.


It was born from the desire of the two founding masters, to pass on their vast experience and precious skills, matured for more than thirty years in the graphic arts, where tradition and experimentation come together to offer associates the opportunity to learn and improve the ancient printmaking techniques and experimenting new artistic expressions directly from Italian and foreign masters.

What we do

A space open to art in all its forms, where exhibitions, courses, workshops, cultural meetings are organized, to live and learn a fascinating profession.
L'Armadillo Atelier also offers training and professional updating courses, collaborating with other associations and schools.

A friendly atmosphere, in a space that refers to the ancient Florentine art workshops, where cultural exchanges and comparisons with artists from all over the world are born.



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L'Armadillo APS

Associazione di Promozione Sociale

Via del Porcellana, 51r - 50123 Firenze

Tel. 055 0461654 - 338 7641648 - 339 7375715


C.F. 94229820488


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