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Printmaking exhibition of the selected works of the participants in the competition held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Earth Day 2020. Theme of the competition: beauty and fragility of the Earth AWARD CEREMONY >

Currently, the exhibition is only online version. As soon as possible, the exhibition will be set up in the premises in Via del Porcellana 51r in Florence. Participate in the online voting to award the Audience Award.

Voting method: click on the images to see the gallery in large size, memorize the number of the chosen work, go to the voting page to communicate your preference. Multiple votes and / or votes from invalid emails will be canceled. It will be possible to vote until January 6, 2021.

The reproduction of the works in this online exhibition was carried out internally and has no claim to professionalism, we have tried to keep ourselves as faithful as possible to the original with the means in our possession, we apologize to the authors for any differences. For this reason, we invite everyone, as soon as it is possible to reopen, to visit the exhibition in person, to appreciate the beauty of the live works.

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